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Build Your Own Wind and Solar Power Generators

Have you ever thought about how you could get free energy to power your home? Will now you can by building your own wind and solar power generators. The reason that it is free energy is that you are not paying a big company to supply your power to you.

You can now easily build your own wind generator or solar panels for less than $200. Most of the parts that are needed to make these systems can be found for free, like storage batteries for your power, these can be found at any company that uses deep cycle batteries. The best place would be at a local forklift repair shop where they replace the batteries every couple years or so.

As for solar panels these can also be found for free, where you ask? Well have you ever seen signs on the sides of the road that use lights for warnings, most of these signs are solar powered. When things go wrong with the panels they just have to exchange them for new ones. They still work fine, so all you would have to do is locate the public roads department and see if you could scoop them up for next to no charge or maybe even free.

Installing solar panels or wind generators plus a battery bank to store all the power will give you more than enough energy to take your home off the grid. You can also go a step beyond and install so much power generating capacity that you can sell your power back to the grid and let the utility company pay you for a change.

Are you using all your home's comfort completely guilt free, laughing at rising energy prices, while saving the environment? If not now is your chance for free energy, Solar and Wind Energy




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